Tracey shi— visual experience Designer
Selected Works


Findigs,Inc is a fintech startup company that focuses on making apartment rental process a better and integrated sales experience. By tapping into the horizontal markets affiliated with the renting experience, the team designed and build an mobile app that targets NYC tenants to provide an all-in-one digital financial service in the rental sector. Within the first three month since I joined the team, Findigs released their the first ever beta app on Apple store and Google play. As the sole correspondent on the design team, my role covers all grounds of areas, from redefining user interest/pain points, sorting out information architecture to high fidelity prototypes, as well as establishing a candid dialog with the rest of the team. I also led the final visual design and created style guide for product to scale up in the future.

June 1, 2019
Lead Product Designer
Finicial service app for tenants
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The overall app experience is informed by company’s core monetization strategies and a shared understanding of end goal for the target users. Based on preliminary user research that collected from 20+ samples, I reframed and adjusted the user flow of the mobile app in accordance with the financial goals of the company.

The beta MVP consisted of building two key functionalities for tenants, the digitalization of rent payment, and integrating monetization strategies with payment experience.

Submit Payment

One of the core features of Findigs is to provide users with a form of digital payment that can be accessed through anywhere, with all-in-one process that reduce error rate. Through a deep dive into the user research with questionnaires asking for tenant's top tasks when it comes to paying rent on time, we compiled key requirements for the process.

Payment status update

The most common cause is failure to link bank account. We enabled push notifications when an update is made to the payment, regardless of their success status, to keep user informed with their cash.

Engaging users with monetization strategies

We created a store tab and wallet tab to be directly accessed via main navigation. The store provides a designated sales experience for users to explore after they are done with payment, subsequently gives them a small credits to be redeem in store. This is used for partnerships with other brands to incentivize users to choose Findigs over other platforms, with the subsidiary rewards experience it coined with rent payment. Referral program is another main source of monetization methods in which Findigs adopted to create a more robust community around renters and tenants. Every successful referral grant the referred and referee credits to be counted for their next payment.By creating two distinct yet connected experience, Findigs offers its users a new experience of paying their rent, in less steps and less payment.

Tipping A/B Testing

As an additional monetization strategy, tipping considered as donation for good cause, since Findigs does not charge user any fees for the service it provides. A/B testing is used to determine which format has more clicks and retention rate. With the pilot user test result, we ultimately decided to move forward with the modal format, which yields to a better retention rate.

Design System

The guiding principle for the visual component of this project aim to convey a sense of security, simplicity, and consistency across different functionalities.

Tipping A/B Testing

As an additional monetization strategy, tipping considered as donation for good cause, since Findigs does not charge user any fees for the service it provides. A/B testing is used to determine which format has more clicks and retention rate. With the pilot user test result, we ultimately decided to move forward with the modal format, which yields to a better retention rate.